Shopping around for cheaper car insurance is something you can and should do regularly, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic when more people are facing unemployment or are working from home. Comparing auto insurance policies could save you anywhere from $400 to $1800 per year.
How much you can save on car insurance varies, based on how much your current policy costs, what kind of coverage you have, how many vehicles you own, and how much you’ll be using your cars in the months ahead. If you are now working from home, you could save anywhere from $50 on your premium to a 70% reduction depending on your insurance provider.
Allstate - (855) 990-1951
GEICO - (800) 207-7847
Liberty Mutual - (888) 818-5344
Progressive - (800) 776-4737
State Farm - (800) 732-5246
Travelers - (855) 868-0794
USAA - (813) 615-5111
If you need to have your windshield or other auto glass replaced, just call your insurance company and let them know that you would like to use AutoGlass Solutions, or click here for a free quote.